Part 10: Parm by Night
Welcome back! Bit of a short update this time, and the NPC chatter update is going to be delayed, so hopefully you get a chance to read it before the page gets bogged down with hundreds of images.
We begin by heading home for dinner.
And I checked; there's no new dialog in the rest of Parm at this point.

: But, do you know how to get to the New Continent?

: 'Course I know! We just need to get on a ship!

: OK, then how do we get them to let us on the ship?

: I know, we'll just ask Mom. She's sure to know!
Before we talk to Lilly, let's just dump all our crap in the Stashing Place.
And equip Justin with the Four Treasures.

I want to play some more.

: OK. So you want to play some more? Be sure to be back before dark, or your dinner will get cold.

: Aw, come on, Justin. I'm really hungry. Let's eat, OK!

Great! I'm really hungry!!

: What is this all of a sudden? Well, I always used to go back and forth on my own ship.

: That's right, you used to be "Lilly the Skull", right?

: Well, if you want to know about ships, why don't you go to the port?

: That's it! That's one way to do it! C'mon Sue. We're going to the port tomorrow!
Unlike the previous plot-required dinner, we can end the conversation right here, after the introductory chatter.
Like the previous plot-required dinner, we're going to be getting all of the conversations, starting with Lilly.

: Anyway, Justin. Today you're dirtier than usual. Where exactly were you playing?

: Not playing! With an introduction from the curator, we went to the Sult Mines and were doing si-untific resurch!

: Whoo. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! You, doing scientific research!? Ah, ha, ha, ha! Now that's funny!

: Now that you mention it, the curator praised you very highly.

: He said you were being very good.

: Oops! Now I did it!

: HEY! Justin! I didn't hear anything about that! What exactly did you do!?
Apparently, animating Lilly getting up and tray-chopping Justin in the middle of dinner would've been too much work.

: Oh well. You're so hopeless. Tomorrow I'll go myself and apologize to the curator.

: Understand, Justin?
Next up, Sue.

: Which is bigger - Elencia or Messina, where Parm is?

: Hmm. Well, there's nothing on the other side of the "End of the World"

: Hey, I know! The "End of the World" is where the world ends on the New Continent, right!?

: Is there really an end of the world?

: Say Justin, what do you think the "End of the World" is like?

: We'll never know if we don't go! Anyway, let's go to the port tomorrow!
And that's all for this dinner.

: That was delicious. I'm full!

: We'll try to find one starting tomorrow, right, Justin!?
That is, in fact, what we'll be doing.

: But that's what you get for trying to stowaway without getting a Steamer pass.

: Oh! You can't get on a ship to the New World without a passport?!

: Boy, don't you even know that? Except for sailors and soldiers, everyone else needs a pass.

: Well then, how do you get this pass? I wanna go to the New World, too!

: Hmm? Getting one from someone else is the fastest way, maybe? I remember an old man in the cafe in North Parm telling adventure stories showing everyone a smelly old pass.

: He's an adventurer too? So I'll just go ask this guy named Java. The cafe is in North Parm, right?
To the
bar cafe!

: Say there, we want to see an adventurer who comes to this cafe! Can we come in, Ma'am?

: Don't be silly. You're still a kid! Anyway, I'm busy! That silly boy. He took the key with him, AGAIN!

: Hmm. So someone took the key to the cafe and went somewhere, right? All right! I'll go find him for you!

: Wow. You sure? OK, if you bring back the key, I'll let you in tonight. Aaargh, that silly boy! He must be off at the harbor, watching the seagulls again.
Back to the harbor!

: Hey, Justin, this must be him! The guy who has the key.

: Hey, sir, do you happen to have the key to the cafe?

: Huh? The key? Oh! That's right, I still have it in my pocket. Would you guys take it back? Say "Hi" to the owner for me. Tell her I'll be there soon.

: Oh, you're talking about that woman! OK! Just leave it to me!
Back to the cafe!

: Yes, yes! This is it! Glad I can finally open the cafe! Thanks for all your help, you two. We got some good jellyfish stew in, so the customers will be happy.

: I'm so glad, Ma'am! So, as you promised...?

: OK, OK. I'll be ready to open in a little while, so come back then.
We fade out...
No video this time, as none of this dialog is voiced.

: Yes. I apologize, Father. There were unforseen distractions.

: Refrain from giving me excuses. Just tell me the results. Did you find it?

: Forgive me, Father. I have not lived up to your expactations. I am prepared for the consequences.

: Consequences? Mullen, if you are not capable of producing results, who is? I can think of no one.

: He is probably just very tired. Father has his own way of looking at things.

: Lieutenant Leen, I didn't mean it that way.

: Sir... yes sir.

: At any rate, we got nothing from the Sult expedition.

: Heh, heh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

: Colonel Mullen...?

: The boy was amusing.... "Justin", I believe?

: Colonel...? It has been a while since I've seen you laugh like that, Colonel.

: I was thinking that it'd be nice to have at least one in our ranks with as much energy as that boy. At least we would be certain that things would never be boring! Ha, ha, ha!

: Let's go! Off to the cafe!

: I've never been to a cafe before. Sorta exciting.

: It's OK. Don't worry! No one is going to get mad. Let's go in!

: In gratitude, you can have WHATEVER YOU WANT. ♥

: But Miss Kirlian, did we do anything you need to thank us for?

: Don't you remember, Justin! You bright back the key to the shop today!

: WHAAAAT!! That old lady, was that you, Miss Kirlian!? Can't be!

: By changing her mind and body with makeup, a woman is an enchantress!

: A woman is an enchantress, you say? Ah hahaha! You have a way with words, little Sue! Anyway, looks like Java's not here tonight. Too bad. You can ask the other customers about him, though.

: But please tell me about THAT Mr. Java!

: Hmm, they say young Java was the best adventurer on Messina. But since adventure went out of style, his only joy's been hanging around the cafe telling tales. They took the adventure away from the adventurer, so now he's holed up at Leck Mines.

: Hmm, I didn't even know anyone lived up at the Leck Mines.

: Maybe I ought to take some coffee beans up to him at Leck Mines.
Before we go, let's talk to Miss Kirlian.

: Knowing you, I bet you want to go to Leck Mines to meet Java, right?

: Hee hee hee. You got it! Actually I'm going tomorrow.

: Well, then could you take this to Java? C'mon, please? PLEASE. ♥

: To get to Leck Mines, we just take the train from the station, right? Lo problem! Leave it to me!

: Puff! PUFFT! Puff Puff PUFFPUFF!

: Puffy says he's hungry. C'mon, Justin, let's go home!
Run run
hurry hurry

: OUCH! Now what's that for, Mom?! Today my shoes aren't so muddy!

: What TIME do you think it is?! It's so late, I was worried that you got hurt!

: C'mon, eat before it gets cold.


: Aw, I can't wait to meet Mr. Java!
The game really likes to have these dinner scenes. We'll start with Sue this time.

: You know, that Mr. Java, he must be pretty scatterbrained to forget his wallet like that.

: Yessirree. Even I'm not nearly that forgetful.

: Right, Puffy?

: Puff! Puff!

: To get to Leck Mines where Java lives, we take the train from the station.

: I think Dad once said that there's no more coal in those mines.
And now Lilly.

: I heard that you're going to the Leck Mines to see Mr. Java, right? It's dangerous, so don't go. I guess it's useless telling you, though.

: But promise me one thing. You have to promise to protect Sue! Remember that you are a boy, right!

: Of course, Mom! I'm an adventurer!

: Don't worry, Aunty! Despite appearances, Justin is pretty tough!
A fairly rare moment of seriousness from Lilly, there.
Anyway, that's this dinner done with.

: That was delicious. I'm full!

: Tomorrow we're going to the Leck Mines to see Mr. Java. Don't forget, Justin!

: Not this time. Today I'm going to Leck Mines to bring something to Java that he forgot.

: Must be something important. Don't worry about the tickets. Just today, it's on the house!

: Really!? Thank you, sir!

: Of course we will! Thanks.

: Thank you, sir!
Off to the west, we find a path.
As we put the wallet on the table, though...

: Why you're a couple a thieves! Get away from my wallet!

: YOWZER!? No, you got it wrong! We just came to get a pass!

: No, no, Justin. He'll misunderstand you! His wallet, WALLET!

: Hoo hahaha. Let it slip, did you? You can't be too careful nowadays.

: C'mon! Give up quietly! I'll cut out yer rotten hearts!

: Say, Justin. Is this man really Mr. Java?

: Sure he used to be an adventurer?

: I'm an active adventurer even now!

: Yow, you have really good ears.

: Excuse me, we came to ask you a favor, Mr. Java. Actually...
... A fade out...
And we fade back in on this.

: I see.... You want my pass to the New World. Hmmm.... Now boy, let me ask you one thing. What will you do on the New World?

: I want to go east. I'll head for Angelou awaiting me on the New World!

: Wha!? Angelou, you say!

: Aw, come on! It's no joke!

: Aaah, wahahan! Ah, sorry about that. But Angelou?

: Angelou really exists! I know it.

: ... Hmm. ... I understand you just fine. Depending on the circumstances, I might just give you my pass.
Justin stands up here.

: Don't be RIDICULOUS! Who said you're getting it for free!?
It's hard to tell if Java is putting on an act, genuinely believes his own words, or is just
drunk buzzed on coffee.

: That's the way of an adventurer!
Not sure if the translation's just weird here, if they put in the wrong portraits, or if the original script just messed up, but those faces really don't work here.

: That's right. No problem. Right, Justin?

: Well said! Listen. Never lose that spirit!

: We're going to the mines in back! C'mon, no dilly-dallying!

: This is the entrance of Leck Mines. Monsters have begun living somewhere way back there. I can't stand their noisy groans! If you manage to slay thier boss, I'll give you my pass. This is my trial for you!

: It's sorta dark and forbidding.

: Aaah, wahahan! It's a mine, so of course it is! You going to give up and go home?

: You're joking! Of course we're going! But Java, can you stay here until we get back?

: Hmm, all right. Show me your spirit as beginner adventurers.
Java here can heal us up and save the game.
But we won't be needing that right now.
Next time: The Leck Mines!
Poll is gonna be open for 24 more hours or so, just in case we have any stragglers.
Current results, for the curious:
Sword: I
Axe: III
Mace: II
Bow: III
Mace: I
BottledBodhisvata posted:
I do hope that this voting is just for initial leveling.
This vote is just for the Leck Mines. I plan on having a vote each dungeon to keep things fresh.
Shit, I should mention that in the OP, huh...